Senin, 14 Juni 2010

Full of Humility - by Dawud Wharnsby Ali

Put all our pride away,
always find a gentle word to say
you know we shouldn't fool ourselves,
Allah has given so much to you and me.
Put all our pride away,
Always thank Allah when we pray,
You know we shouldn't be full of ourselves
when we, should be full of humility.

We're all living in here together on this planet floating in round the sun
We're all equal to one another, no one's better than anyone
The only ting we have to weigh us all apart
is the faith only Allah can see, deep inside our hearts.

Put all our pride away,
always find a gentle word to say
you know we shouldn't fool ourselves,
Allah has given so much to you and me.
Put all our pride away,
Always thank Allah when we pray,
You know we shouldn't be full of ourselves
when we, should be full of humility.

Trying hard to simply be humble and never act too proud
It's easy to trip and stumble with your nose up above the clouds
Its always best to be modest and keep our feet on the ground
Cause pride will eat us up inside if we're arrogant and loud.

Put all our pride away,
always find a gentle word to say
you know we shouldn't fool ourselves,
Allah has given so much to you and me.
Put all our pride away,
Always thank Allah when we pray,
You know we shouldn't be full of ourselves
when we, should be full of humility.

hemmm... seneng banget ma lirik tersebut di atas (tapi ada yang aneh,, yang bener tu "Always thank Allah when we pray" ato "Always thank Allah when we prey"? coz waktu googling tulisannya prey, jadi kerasa aneh masa' berterima kasih pada ALLAH saat kita memangsa? yah akhirnya di sini tak ganti pray, jadinya kan enak dibacanya berterimakasih pada ALLAH ketika kita berdo'a,, *gak tau mana yang bener...) tapi yang jelas, secara umum aku suka banget ma lirik2 yang didendangkan ma Dawud Wharnsby Ali,, liriknya simple plus empuk didengernya. yahh,, meskipun ada beberapa yang masih diiringi musik kaya' tabuhan rebana, termasuk dendangan lirik yang saya copas di atas... *hemmm,, coba semuanya tanpa musik yah.... ^_________*

NB: huffttt.... dari kmrn2 nyari2 lirik Dawud yang lain tapi gak nemu2,, terutama yang tak sukai,, The Blue Sky is Blue, Remember Allah, plus The Rhytm of Surrender... dah nyoba googling tetep gak nemu2 jugak... T_____T

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